Every 'Scent' Counts

Every 'Scent' Counts - Cosmetics Fragrance Direct

October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we at Cosmetics Fragrance Direct have chosen our charity of choice to be Think Pink Foundation . October is the perfect time to raise a little extra from our valued customers. Each customer was asked if they would like to donate, even a small amount.

All Stores took donations and this resulted in donations being gathered from 3,599 customers and we finally raised in excess of $5,000. Some customers were able to only contribute small amounts of five and ten cents although this all added together and built to the total amount. We were able to pass on a cheque to Think Pink to help with the important work they do in offering support to men and women with Breast Cancer.

They have a great facility in Melbourne known as The Living Centre which opened its doors in 2010. The Living Centre focuses on wellness and not illness with comprehensive programs which are unique to the centre.

If you wish to donate to this wonderful cause you can donate directly to Think Pink Foundation or in one of our stores.

Thank you for your kind and generous donations.

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