Makeup hacks to speed up your morning

Makeup hacks to speed up your morning - Cosmetics Fragrance Direct

We're all a little time poor in the mornings and often it can be your beauty routine that suffers the most cut backs to ensure you're out the door on time. Whether you have slept through your alarm or the kids just wouldn't cooperate, these hacks will streamline your makeup application meaning you can get your face on and still have time for breakfast!

Mascara is a must do step for many, thanks to its ability to open up your eyes and fake 8 hours sleep but have you ever thought to use it on your brows? Black or brown wands can tame and tint in one swipe if you have dark hair; however a clear mascara is a safer option that suits everyone and is mess free when you're in a hurry.

In a pinch bronzer can double as a blush to add a little colour to your cheeks but it also works well as an eyeshadow. Worked into the eye socket with our eyeshadow blending brush, bronzer can add dimension to your eyes in no time at all. The best part is the fluffy, soft bristles of our brush will do all the blending work for you.

Nothing brightens things up like a pop of bold lipstick but dabbing a little on your cheeks also as crĂšme blush is a makeup artist trick to tie your look together. Simply use the warmth of your fingers to blend out the product in patting motions and you will look polished and put together in a seamless, effortless way.

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